Anti-counterfeit label anti-counterfeiting label debut in Xi'an


The China's most advanced anti-counterfeit placard, which incorporates material information security and telephone code security, was unveiled in Xi'an for the first time yesterday.
According to reports, the label is a special paper printed in China. The surface of the paper has tiny white bubbling and flashing tiny particles that are naturally distributed on the surface of the paper. It has a noticeable concave-convex feeling. The particles can be removed by a needle and the blisters can be picked. Broken, each anti-counterfeit label is printed with its serial number, code, and three squares. The number and shape of red particles in the square frame and their distribution characteristics are used as anti-counterfeiting information, together with the serial number, product name, and code of the label. Stored together in the security center database and connected to the query network.
When a consumer purchases a product, he/she dials the phone number and product code in accordance with the query telephone code and website specified on the product's packaging grid security label, and dials the phone number and product code according to the voice. The computer is about to store the anti-counterfeit of the serial number sticker. Consumers of information reports know that their products are genuine or fake as long as they are compared with the actual information on the labels.

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